Sunday, October 24, 2010

Arthritis quiz

QuestionsTrue or False
1. Arthritis is a disease of the elderly.

2. Aching joints are a common symptom of arthritis.

3. People with arthritis must learn to live with aching joints.

4. Arthritis can come from an injury.

5. Some people just wake up one morning and have painful arthritis in the knee joint.

6. The cause of arthritis is well known.

7. Arthritis occurs in major joints such as the hip and knee.

8. You can inherit rheumatoid arthritis.

9. Once the cartilage in the joint has worn away in osteoarthritis, your body will not grow new cartilage.

10. People with arthritis should avoid exercise because the activity will make the condition worse.

Multiple Choice
1. Arthritis includes how many different diseases?
a. One
b. 10
c. 25
d. 100+
e. None of the above

2. Which of the following vertebrates can suffer osteoarthritis?
a. Man
b. Porpoises
c. Whales
d. Dinosaurs
e. All of the above

3. Arthritis is diagnosed by:
a. The pattern of symptoms
b. Medical history
c. Physical exam, X-rays and lab tests
d. A and B only
e. All of the above

4. Arthritis treatment programs:
a. Are generally ineffective
b. Combine medication, exercise, rest and other techniques
c. Never include surgery
d. Avoid use of heat and cold
e. All of the above

5. How many Americans have arthritis?
a. 430,000
b. 70 million
c. 46 million
d. More than 50 million
e. None of the above

6. How much does arthritis cost the U.S. economy in medical care and lost wages?
a. $6.5 million
b. $65 million
c. $650 million
d. $6.5 billion
e. $128 billion

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